We are excited to offer access to Comprehensive Wellness services in concert with other clinicians in the community.
- MonaLisa Touch® targets incontinence, pelvic pain, and other gynecologic issues and is offered via our colleagues at RSVP Gynecology in Walnut Creek. Comprehensive Wellness patients will receive priority for scheduling. Call (925) 239-0012 for more information.
- PicoSure® treatment that targets acne, scars, aging skin, and skin discolorations for ALL skin types is available at our Orinda location. Please call (925) 464-3916 and press 1 to schedule with our team.
- Sculpsure® body contouring for both women and men is available in San Ramon with our colleagues at Brandeis MD as part of an overall body sculpting program. Call (925) 255-7867 for more information.